What We Offer
Sunday School
The mission of the Sunday Church School program at All Saint's is to reach out and teach as well as equip our children and young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ. This is the great commission. At All Saint's, children grow in the many purposes of the church including worship, discipleship, ministry, fellowship and outreach. From September through June, Sunday Church School for children is conducted in the parish hall following a children’s message in the sanctuary. Sunday Church School concludes with the children returning to the sanctuary for Holy Communion.
Helping our youngest members find a place of service to help them grow in their faith is encouraged. The children participate in serving as greeters each month. They also love to bake muffins and sell them after the service to support outreach ministries. Other highlights include our Christmas pageant often written and directed by All Saints teachers. These are a huge success and enjoyed by many. Popular events include the Easter Egg Hunt, finishing with a SCS Fun Day and Graduation. All Saint's Sunday Church School is a great place to start the discipleship journey and we encourage all families with children to be involved in this growing ministry.