Altar Guild
Altar Guild
Thank you to the members of Altar Guild for making this responsibility a pleasant calling.
Altar Guild
Thank you to the members of Altar Guild for making this responsibility a pleasant calling.
Bible and Study Classes
Classes meet to welcome and nurture adults in their faith journey. Offerings may include textual, topical, ministry specific, or special needs studies. Usually they run throughout the year however, sometimes special series are also provided. See our event calendar for classes and times.
Coffee Hour
Coffee hour or fellowship time - whatever you wish to call it - is hospitality. Nothing beats an inviting warm smile or a handshake; however, a coffee hour after the service provides a time to visit with old friends, those new to the church and those coming back for a visit. There doesn't need to be anything fancy - just something to drink and something to snack on ... sweet or salty. Jelly beans, pretzels, cheese and crackers, home baking or store bought cookies...our congregation loves them all!
All Saint's Lutheran Anglican Church has a number of enthusiastic volunteers who welcome Sunday morning worshipers. These members, wearing name tags, play an important role in making people feel welcome. Their friendly gestures make everyone smile, creating a cheerful mood.
Men's Fellowship
The Men's Fellowship group meets every third Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. with the exception of the summer months. Once a decision is made on the take-out-meal for that evening, a variety of subjects are discussed. Through these discussions, we get to know each other better, establishing healthy friendships. Collectively, the group feels that these improved friendships lead to better worship experiences and service opportunities. Currently a core group of 8 to 12 men meet, with room for more friends.
Music at All Saint's
Hallelujah! Praise God in the holy temple; praise God in the mighty firmament.
Praise God for mighty acts; praise God for exceeding greatness.
Praise God with trumpet sound; praise God with lyre and harp.
Praise God with tambourine and dance; praise
God with strings and pipe.
Praise God with resounding cymbals; praise God with loud-clanging cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Hallelujah!
Psalm 150
As "a body of Christian believers growing in active faith, striving to serve God and humankind through love, grace, and material sharing" (Mission Statement) our congregation participates in several outreach ministries.
Do you have boxes and boxes of pictures sitting in a drawer or on a shelf and wonder what to do with them? Is your camera or computer full of images from years past and you've often thought how to preserve them in a meaningful way? Perhaps you might like to try the art of scrapbooking. It is great fun and you just might awaken some creative talent you never realized you had.