

During the past year,  approximately 70 people served as ushers. Usually 4-6 people serve for one month at a time. This works well to create continuity. The ushers arrive early to welcome us when we come into church and provide direction and information about our church worship and services offered at All Saint's Usher meetings are held as needed and are well attended to offer a good opportunity to ensure everyone was up to date on the process for ushering. New ushers are always welcome. It is a great way to get to know others who worship with us at our church.

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Women of Faith

Women of Faith

"Women of Faith" is a community of women which recognizes the word of scripture in its understanding of mission and in the affirmation, growth and development of women, and faith in action.  We enjoy our bimonthly lunch hour meetings where good conversation often about women's role and issues in the church are discussed as well as the mission of women within the church as a whole. Pastor sometimes joins us for Bible Study with a wide range of topics.

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Youth Ministry

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Some of Our Ministries